10. Blogging as a journey through nature

A winding road in an open landscape leading to a mountainscape


Starting a blog was a daunting prospect. The fears that clouded my mind were much like the dense forests and untamed landscapes of the natural world—intimidating, unpredictable, and full of hidden challenges. Yet, it was precisely this connection to nature that helped me find the courage to begin. Just as a hiker must navigate through the wild, I learned that blogging is a journey through the wilderness of the mind, where each step is an exploration of the unknown.

The fear of the unknown: stepping into the wild

When I first contemplated blogging, the fear of exposing my thoughts to the world felt overwhelming. It was like standing at the edge of a vast, uncharted forest, unsure of what dangers or obstacles lay ahead. What if I wrote something wrong? What if people judged me harshly? These fears were the overgrown branches and thorny underbrush that threatened to block my path before I even began.

But just as nature teaches us to adapt and find our way, I realized that these fears were not insurmountable. They were simply part of the terrain that I needed to navigate. The act of writing, much like venturing into the wild, required me to confront my fears, embrace the unknown, and trust that I could find my way through the dense undergrowth of self-doubt.

Nature’s lessons: finding strength in vulnerability

Nature has always been a source of inspiration for me, offering countless lessons in resilience and adaptability. The trees that bend with the wind, the rivers that carve their paths through solid rock, and the animals that thrive in the most challenging environments—all of these natural phenomena remind me that vulnerability is not a weakness, but a strength.

As I began to blog, I found that the same principles applied. By embracing my vulnerabilities—my fear of judgment, my uncertainty about my writing—I was able to grow and evolve as a writer. Each blog post became a step forward, a way to push through the thickets of doubt and find clarity in the process of expression. Just as a tree grows stronger over time, I realized that my writing, too, would improve with practice and patience.

The journey of blogging: exploring new landscapes

Much like a journey through nature, blogging is an ongoing exploration. Each post is a new landscape to be discovered, a new environment to be understood. Some days, the path is clear and easy, like a stroll through a sunlit meadow. Other days, it’s more challenging, requiring me to navigate through foggy thoughts or climb over the rocky terrain of difficult topics.

But no matter the challenges, I’ve learned that the journey itself is the reward. Blogging has allowed me to explore the wilderness of my own mind, to uncover hidden insights, and to connect with others who are on their own journeys of discovery. It’s a process of continuous learning and growth, one that mirrors the ever-changing landscapes of nature.

Conclusion: embracing the wilderness within

Why did I start blogging? Because, much like a hike through the wilderness, it’s a way to explore the unknown, to push through fears, and to discover the beauty that lies beyond the familiar. Nature has taught me that the journey is as important as the destination, and blogging has become my way of embracing that journey—one post at a time. By facing my fears and allowing myself to be vulnerable, I’ve found strength in the process, and I’ve learned to appreciate the wild, unpredictable nature of the mind. Just as nature is full of surprises, so too is the journey of blogging, and I’m excited to see where the path will lead me next.

The reference artwork


11. Doubling down on conquering fears


9. How has mental illness impacted my life?