11. Doubling down on conquering fears

A photographer sitting on staircase railings


Reflecting on my initial plunge into blogging, this entry revisits the theme of overcoming fears from my first blog, but with an added layer—how I’ve doubled my efforts to confront these challenges and the subsequent deeper insights I’ve gained.

Revisiting and reinforcing overcoming fears

When I first began to write, my trepidation was rooted deeply in the fear of judgment and the irreversible nature of published words. However, instead of succumbing to these fears, I chose to face them twice as hard, embodying the spirit of "11"—where each '1' stands for an instance of confronting my own fears.

Amplifying my voice against fear

As I progressed in my blogging journey, I discovered that each post served as a reaffirmation of my decision to continue in the face of fear. With each entry, I not only discussed different facets of my life but also continuously tackled the fear of opening up anew. This repeated action, much like the number 11’s parallel lines, represents a doubling down on my commitment to transparency and growth.

The impact of persistent exposure

The more I wrote, the more I realized that with repetition comes desensitization to fear. Each blog post, mirroring the digit '1' next to its twin, helped to reinforce my confidence and diminish my fears. This process was therapeutic, gradually reducing the anxiety associated with public self-expression and scrutiny.


This blog entry, inspired by the numeral 11, symbolizes the power of persistence in overcoming fears. Just as the number 11 stands strong with two parallel units, my repeated efforts in blogging have fortified my resolve and molded my journey into something greater than anticipated. Through this blog, I encourage others to embrace their fears not just once, but continuously, to truly transform apprehension into empowerment. Each step forward in this journey isn’t just a repetition—it’s an evolution.

The reference artwork


12. Bridging cultures and personal growth


10. Blogging as a journey through nature