72. Exploring the self through the lens of death

A graveyard


Identity is shaped by many factors—culture, experiences, relationships—but one of the most profound influences on who we are is our awareness of mortality. The knowledge that life is finite impacts our choices, our values, and the way we see ourselves. This blog explores how the concept of death has shaped my identity, revealing the ways in which mortality influences our understanding of who we are and how we live.

The role of mortality in shaping identity

From a young age, the awareness of death has been a significant influence on my identity. Growing up in Congo, Uganda, and later in Canada, I was exposed to different cultural attitudes towards death, each of which shaped my understanding of life’s impermanence. In Congo, death was often seen as a natural part of life, a passage to the next world. In Uganda, the emphasis on faith and the afterlife shaped my spiritual beliefs and gave me a sense of comfort in the face of loss. In Canada, the focus on individualism and personal legacy influenced my desire to leave a lasting impact.

These cultural influences, combined with my personal experiences of loss, have deeply impacted my identity. They have made me more reflective, more aware of the preciousness of life, and more determined to live in a way that aligns with my values. By showing how these experiences have shaped me, I hope to offer a glimpse into the ways in which mortality influences our understanding of ourselves.

Death as a mirror to the self

Death is often seen as the ultimate unknown, a mirror that reflects our deepest fears, hopes, and beliefs. In exploring my identity, I’ve found that my thoughts about death often reveal more about who I am than I initially realized. The fear of death, for example, has pushed me to pursue my passions more vigorously, to build stronger relationships, and to seek meaning in everything I do. The acceptance of death, on the other hand, has given me a sense of peace and clarity, allowing me to focus on the present moment and to appreciate the beauty of life.

By reflecting on these thoughts, I’ve come to see death as a mirror that shows me the core of my identity—what I value most, what I fear, and what I hope to achieve. This reflection has helped me to understand myself more deeply, to recognize the ways in which mortality shapes my choices, and to live in a way that is true to who I am. Through this exploration, I’ve learned that death is not just an end, but a lens through which we can better understand our lives.

The influence of mortality on personal growth

Mortality is a powerful motivator for personal growth. The awareness that life is finite pushes us to make the most of the time we have, to learn, to grow, and to become the best versions of ourselves. In my own life, the knowledge that death is inevitable has driven me to seek out new experiences, to challenge myself, and to continuously evolve.

For example, my desire to explore different cultures, to pursue education, and to build a meaningful career has been fueled by the understanding that life is short and that I want to make the most of it. This drive for growth is a direct result of my awareness of mortality, showing how deeply it influences my identity and my actions. By sharing this journey, I hope to show others that the knowledge of death can be a powerful catalyst for living fully and authentically.

Mortality and the legacy of identity

One of the most enduring aspects of identity is the legacy we leave behind—the impact we have on others, the memories we create, and the values we pass on. In reflecting on my own mortality, I’ve often thought about the legacy I want to leave, the mark I want to make on the world. This desire to leave a meaningful legacy is a central part of my identity, one that shapes my actions and decisions every day.

Whether it’s through my writing, my relationships, or my contributions to the community, I’m constantly thinking about how I can leave a positive impact. This focus on legacy is a direct result of my awareness of mortality, showing how death shapes not just who we are in life, but how we are remembered after we’re gone. By reflecting on this aspect of identity, I hope to inspire others to think about their own legacy and to live in a way that aligns with their values and aspirations.

Conclusion: exploring identity through the lens of mortality

Mortality is a powerful influence on identity, shaping our values, our actions, and our understanding of ourselves. By reflecting on the impact of death on my life, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of who I am and how I want to live. This exploration has shown me that death is not just an end, but a mirror that reveals the core of our identity, a motivator for personal growth, and a guide for leaving a meaningful legacy. As I continue to navigate the complexities of life and death, I’m committed to using this awareness to live fully, authentically, and in alignment with my true self.

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73. Setting goals with mortality in mind


71. Blogging as a journey through life and death