71. Blogging as a journey through life and death

Withered trees in the middle of a desert


Blogging is often a way to document life’s journey, to reflect on the experiences that shape us and the lessons we learn along the way. But it can also be a space to explore deeper, more existential themes—like mortality. The act of writing about death and the fear it invokes can be a powerful way to confront and process these emotions. This blog explores how my blogging journey has become a way to reflect on the nature of life and death, using words to navigate the complex emotions that arise when we face our own mortality.

Starting the conversation on death

When I first started blogging, my focus was primarily on sharing personal experiences, insights, and lessons learned. However, as I continued to write, I found myself drawn to more profound topics, including the inevitable reality of death. The fear of death is a universal experience, one that often shapes our lives in subtle and significant ways. Through blogging, I began to explore this fear, using my writing as a tool to understand and come to terms with it.

Instead of simply telling readers that I feared death, I decided to show them how this fear manifested in my life—through the decisions I made, the relationships I valued, and the way I approached each day with a sense of urgency. By writing about these experiences, I was able to open up a dialogue with myself and my readers about mortality, creating a space where we could all confront and process our fears together.

Using storytelling to explore mortality

Storytelling is a powerful way to explore complex themes like mortality. Through the stories we tell, we can reveal the impact of death on our lives, our relationships, and our sense of purpose. In my blogging journey, I’ve used storytelling to show how the awareness of death has shaped my life, from the way I cherish moments with loved ones to the urgency I feel in pursuing my passions.

For example, I might tell the story of a close friend’s passing, showing how their death made me reevaluate my own life and priorities. This story is not just about the loss itself, but about the lessons it taught me—the importance of living fully, of expressing love and gratitude, and of not taking anything for granted. By sharing these stories, I hope to connect with others who have experienced similar losses, showing that we are not alone in our struggles with mortality.

Blogging as a tool for reflection and healing

Writing about death has also become a way for me to reflect on my own life and to find healing in the process. Blogging allows me to express the emotions that are often difficult to articulate in conversation—the fear, the sadness, the longing for something more. By putting these feelings into words, I’m able to process them in a way that feels constructive and meaningful.

Through my blog, I’ve been able to explore the different stages of grief, to reflect on the impact of loss, and to consider the legacy we leave behind. This reflection has helped me to find a sense of peace and acceptance, showing that even in the face of death, there is room for growth, understanding, and connection. Blogging has become a tool for navigating the complexities of mortality, providing a space where I can confront my fears and find solace in the shared human experience.

Connecting with others through shared experiences

One of the most powerful aspects of blogging about death is the connection it creates with others. By sharing my thoughts and experiences, I’ve been able to connect with readers who are also grappling with the reality of mortality. These connections have shown me that while death is a deeply personal experience, it is also a universal one—something that binds us all together.

Through comments, messages, and shared stories, I’ve learned that writing about death can be a way to build a community of support and understanding. By showing my own vulnerability, I’ve encouraged others to do the same, creating a space where we can all find comfort in knowing that we are not alone in our fears and struggles. Blogging has become a way to connect with others on a deeper level, showing that even in the face of death, we can find strength in our shared experiences.

Conclusion: blogging as a journey through life and death

Blogging has been a journey of self-discovery, reflection, and connection—a way to navigate the complexities of life and death. By using the principle of "show, don’t tell," I’ve been able to explore the impact of mortality on my life, using storytelling and personal reflection to create a space for understanding and healing. Through this journey, I’ve learned that while death is an inevitable part of life, it is also a source of growth, connection, and meaning. As I continue to write and reflect, I’m committed to using my blog as a tool for exploring the profound themes of life and death, and for connecting with others who are on the same journey.

The reference artwork


72. Exploring the self through the lens of death


70. The natural cycle: life, death, and renewal