7. On death


A harsh-lit skull

On Death

People who believe in objective truthfulness fear death for the wrong reasons, even if it means dying on your own terms. At the final curtain, they regret not having lived an objectively “perfect” life.

Our universe is full of chaos and injustice, so much so that objective perfection and happiness are simply illusional. In my view, the uncertainties in science and ideology render life lifeless or unworthy to be lived. Instead, life should be a passable journey to a passable death, without disturbing the conscious freedom and safety of others along the way.

Therefore, life for the enlightened should be a means to a passable end. It should also be about themselves, first and foremost. The only reason an enlightened person should fear death is when they’ve failed to clear the minimum bar of the law and now, they’re crushed under the law. Nevertheless, the bar is so low to clear that all the enlightened should prevail.

Death is a journey, not a destination.

The reference artwork


8. On reading and learning


6. On show don’t tell