3. My goals for the next year


A checklist


I’ve set exciting goals for the next 12 months. These goals range from applying to a university physics program, to learning how to program computers, to growing this blog. All my goals are about making my life and blog more impactful.

Without further ado, here are the goals for July 2024 to July 2025.

Academic goals

  • University application: I’d like to return to university and get a physics degree. As a result, I’m planning to apply to university this fall season. This is a pivotal step in my life, and I’m incredibly excited about it.

  • Continued learning: To prepare for this journey, I’m refreshing my math and science memory by reading math and physics textbooks and completing courses at Khan Academy. My goal is to study three-plus hours per day. 

Professional goals

  • Career development: Now I’m not working. But this isn’t necessarily bad. Without job stress, I can edit and publish this blog in a timely manner. However, to advance my skilled trades career, my goal is to continue applying to millwright jobs. 

  • Skills improvement: I’d also like to improve my hands-on skills. That’s why I plan to apply for skilled work soon.

Personal development goals

  • Fitness and health: My goal is to keep going to the gym. For over a year, I’ve been working out for five days a week. I'd like to maintain the same schedule for the next 12 months as well. I’ve already made considerable progress at the gym, so this goal is attainable.

  • Mental health: Continue going to the gym and listening to music.

Creative and personal projects

  • Blog development: For this blog, you can expect blogs that discuss topics in physics and lived experiences in my life. I want the blog to reflect growth over time. That’s why I plan to start by discussing how physics applies to everyday life at the simplest level. My personal blogs will touch on diverse topics, including fitness, mental health, and hobbies. You can expect a blog posting rate of one blog per week at a minimum.

  • Hobbies and interests: I’d like to learn how to program computers at Khan Academy. Programming skills are helpful not only in an academic setting but also in web development. I believe programming skills will improve the layout of my blog.

Social and community goals

  • Community involvement: I’ve already mentioned that I intend to apply for jobs as a millwright. However, I plan to volunteer in the community if I can’t get an offer soon enough. This is something I’m actively considering.

  • Networking: I plan to update my LinkedIn profile. I have a LinkedIn profile, but it’s incomplete. My goal is to fill it out once I’m done publishing this blog.


The upcoming year is full of opportunities and challenges. I’m eager to embrace them all. From advancing my academic goals to enhancing my personal development, each step is important. I aim to inspire and connect with others as I meet these goals.

Stay tuned for updates, and thank you for being a part of this exciting journey!

The reference artwork


4. An ode to physics


2. A self-portrait: who am I?