18. Blogging, reading, and learning

Scrabble tiles arranged on a white background read, "READ MORE"

When I first considered starting a blog, I was paralyzed by fear. The idea of exposing my thoughts and experiences to the world felt overwhelming. What if I couldn’t write well enough? What if my words were judged? The fear of making mistakes was so intense that it almost stopped me from blogging altogether.

But as I reflected on these fears, I began to see parallels between blogging and learning. Just as reading and learning require us to explore unfamiliar territories, blogging forces us to confront the unknown. Both processes involve a journey of discovery—one that can be daunting, but ultimately rewarding.

In reading, we are often faced with complex texts that require us to connect various elements—context, setting, characters, and themes—to gain a deeper understanding. Similarly, blogging requires us to weave together our thoughts and experiences in a way that makes sense not only to ourselves but to our readers. It’s a process of breaking down complex ideas and presenting them in a coherent narrative.

This journey of writing and learning is fraught with challenges, but it’s also incredibly fulfilling. I realized that just as I approach a difficult book or a new topic with curiosity and a willingness to learn, I can approach blogging with the same mindset. The fear of writing something “wrong” is akin to the fear of not fully understanding a text or concept. But both fears can be overcome through persistence and a desire to grow.

Blogging, like reading and learning, is about embracing the fear of the unknown and using it as a catalyst for growth. It’s about pushing past the initial discomfort and finding joy in the process of discovery. Each blog post, much like each book or lesson, is an opportunity to learn something new—about the world, about others, and about ourselves.

In the end, blogging has taught me that the fear of writing is no different from the fear of learning something new. Both require us to step out of our comfort zones and embrace the unknown. And in doing so, we not only overcome our fears but also open ourselves up to a world of endless possibilities.

The reference artwork


19. Blogging through the lens of mental illness


17. Blogging and death