93. A balanced approach to growth

Two hands towing each other


Living with mental illness presents unique challenges, but it also offers opportunities for growth and self-discovery. As I plan for the future, I’ve learned the importance of setting goals that not only reflect my aspirations but also take into account my mental health needs. This blog explores how I approach goal-setting with a focus on balance and well-being, ensuring that my goals are both ambitious and sustainable.

The importance of mental health in goal-setting

When setting goals, it’s easy to get caught up in the pursuit of achievement without considering the impact on mental health. In the past, I often pushed myself to meet high expectations, only to find that the strain exacerbated my symptoms and left me feeling overwhelmed. Through these experiences, I’ve come to understand that mental health must be a priority in the goal-setting process.

Now, when I set goals, I start by assessing my current mental health and considering how each goal might affect it. I ask myself questions like: "Will this goal add stress to my life?" "Is this goal realistic given my current mental health?" and "How can I break this goal down into manageable steps that won’t overwhelm me?" By taking the time to reflect on these questions, I’m able to set goals that are aligned with my well-being, rather than at odds with it.

Balancing ambition with self-care

One of the key challenges in setting goals while managing mental illness is finding the right balance between ambition and self-care. I have many aspirations—whether it’s advancing in my career, pursuing academic interests, or building meaningful relationships—but I’ve learned that achieving these goals requires a careful balance of effort and rest.

For example, one of my goals for the next year is to continue my education in physics, a subject I’m passionate about. However, I know that academic work can be mentally taxing, so I’ve planned to approach this goal with flexibility. Instead of enrolling in a full course load, I’m considering taking fewer classes at a time, allowing myself space to focus on my mental health. I’ve also included regular breaks and stress-reduction techniques in my study routine, ensuring that I’m caring for my well-being while pursuing my academic goals.

Setting goals that reflect personal values

Another important aspect of goal-setting with mental health in mind is ensuring that my goals align with my personal values. This alignment provides motivation and meaning, making it easier to stay committed to my goals even when challenges arise.

For instance, one of my core values is contributing to my community, so I’ve set a goal to volunteer regularly at a local mental health organization. This goal not only allows me to give back but also helps me stay connected to others who understand the challenges of living with mental illness. By aligning this goal with my values, I find it easier to stay motivated and to see the positive impact of my efforts, both on myself and on those I’m helping.

Adapting goals to changing circumstances

Living with mental illness means that my needs and capabilities can change over time, so it’s important to be adaptable in my approach to goal-setting. I’ve learned to be flexible with my goals, adjusting them as necessary to accommodate my mental health.

For example, if I find that a particular goal is causing too much stress, I give myself permission to modify or postpone it. This might mean extending a deadline, reducing the scope of the goal, or finding an alternative way to achieve it. By being adaptable, I’m able to maintain progress toward my goals without compromising my mental health.

Conclusion: a balanced approach to goal-setting

Setting goals while managing mental illness requires a balanced approach that prioritizes mental health and well-being. By reflecting on my current needs, balancing ambition with self-care, aligning goals with personal values, and remaining adaptable, I’ve been able to set goals that are both achievable and meaningful.

As I look ahead to the next year, I’m committed to continuing this approach, ensuring that my goals support my growth without compromising my mental health. Through this process, I hope to achieve not just success, but also a sense of fulfillment and well-being, creating a future that is both bright and balanced.

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94. Physics as a pathway to understanding


92. A journey of self-discovery