82. Discovering identity through books

A house number, "16", is printed infront of a red brick wall


Books have the power to shape our understanding of the world and ourselves. Through reading, we not only gain knowledge and insights but also embark on a journey of self-discovery. This blog explores how the act of reading has helped me to uncover and define my identity, revealing the ways in which literature has shaped my sense of self and deepened my connection to my roots.

Reading as a path to self-understanding

Reading has always been a reflective process for me, one that goes beyond simply absorbing information. Through books, I’ve been able to explore different aspects of my identity—my cultural heritage, personal values, and the experiences that have shaped me. Each book I read offers a new lens through which I can view myself, providing insights that help me to better understand who I am and where I come from.

For example, reading works by African authors has deepened my connection to my Congolese and Ugandan roots, allowing me to see my own experiences reflected in the stories and characters. These books have helped me to understand the complexities of my cultural identity, revealing the ways in which my heritage influences my worldview and sense of self. By engaging with literature that speaks to my background, I’ve been able to navigate the challenges of identity and find a deeper sense of belonging.

Books as guides on the journey of self-discovery

The journey of self-discovery is ongoing, and books have been my constant companions along the way. Through reading, I’ve been able to explore different perspectives, challenge my assumptions, and expand my understanding of the world and myself. Each book offers a new opportunity for growth, helping me to uncover hidden aspects of my identity and to see myself in new and unexpected ways.

For instance, reading philosophical texts has encouraged me to reflect on my beliefs and values, prompting me to question the assumptions I’ve held about life, morality, and purpose. These books have shown me that self-discovery is not about finding definitive answers but about embracing the complexity and ambiguity of identity. By engaging with challenging and thought-provoking literature, I’ve been able to explore the deeper layers of my identity and to develop a more nuanced understanding of who I am.

Literature as a bridge between cultures

As someone who has lived in multiple countries and navigated different cultural landscapes, literature has been a bridge that connects the various aspects of my identity. Books have allowed me to explore the intersections of my Congolese, Ugandan, and Canadian identities, helping me to understand how these cultures influence and shape each other.

For example, reading works by Canadian authors has given me insights into the cultural values and social dynamics of my adopted country, helping me to navigate the challenges of integration and to find my place within Canadian society. At the same time, literature from Congo and Uganda has kept me connected to my roots, reminding me of the traditions, values, and experiences that continue to influence my identity. Through reading, I’ve been able to bridge the gap between these different cultural identities, creating a more cohesive and holistic sense of self.

Books as catalysts for personal growth

The process of reading is not just about understanding who we are in the present; it’s also about imagining who we can become. Books have the power to inspire personal growth, encouraging us to set new goals, challenge ourselves, and strive for a better version of ourselves. Through reading, I’ve been able to envision the person I want to be, using literature as a guide to help me navigate the journey of self-improvement.

For instance, reading biographies of individuals who have overcome great challenges has motivated me to persevere in the face of adversity and to pursue my goals with determination and resilience. These stories have shown me that identity is not fixed but constantly evolving, shaped by the choices we make and the experiences we encounter. By drawing inspiration from the lives of others, I’ve been able to chart my own path of personal growth, using books as a source of guidance and motivation.

Conclusion: discovering identity through reading

Reading is more than just a way to gain knowledge; it’s a journey of self-discovery that helps us to understand who we are and who we can become. Through literature, we can explore different aspects of our identity, connect with our cultural heritage, and find inspiration for personal growth. As I continue to read and learn, I am committed to using books as a mirror that reflects my true self, guiding me on the ongoing journey of self-understanding and personal development.

The reference artwork


83. Setting goals through the lens of knowledge


81. How reading inspired my blogging journey