67. Showing life through the lens of mortality

Animation of the grim reaper


Life and death are two sides of the same coin, intricately linked and deeply significant to the human experience. The principle of "show, don’t tell" offers a powerful way to explore these themes, allowing us to reveal the complexities of mortality and the ways in which it shapes our understanding of life. This blog delves into how we can use the art of showing to express the profound connection between life and death, revealing the beauty and meaning that emerge from this delicate balance.

The subtlety of mortality in everyday life

Mortality is a constant, often unspoken presence in our lives, influencing our decisions, relationships, and values. Rather than explicitly discussing death, we can show its influence through the subtle ways it shapes our daily experiences. For example, the way we cherish moments with loved ones, the sense of urgency in pursuing our dreams, and the quiet reflections that come with the passage of time all reveal an awareness of life’s impermanence.

To show this connection, I might describe a scene where a person pauses to watch the sunset, feeling the warmth of the fading light and reflecting on the fleeting nature of time. This moment of quiet contemplation shows the impact of mortality without directly stating it, allowing readers to feel the weight of the unspoken truth. By focusing on these small, everyday moments, we can reveal the profound influence of mortality on our lives.

Using imagery to explore life and death

Imagery is a powerful tool for showing the relationship between life and death, allowing us to convey complex emotions and ideas through vivid, sensory details. The cycle of the seasons, the growth and decay of nature, and the contrast between light and shadow all serve as metaphors for the interplay of life and death.

For instance, I might describe the autumn leaves falling to the ground, their vibrant colors slowly fading as they return to the earth. This image shows the natural cycle of life and death, reminding us that endings are a part of the continuum of existence. By using imagery to explore these themes, we can create a deeper connection with readers, helping them to see and feel the ways in which life and death are intertwined.

Revealing the emotional depth of mortality

The emotions surrounding life and death are complex and often difficult to articulate. Through the "show, don’t tell" approach, we can reveal the depth of these emotions by focusing on the experiences that evoke them. Grief, joy, fear, and acceptance are all emotions that arise in the face of mortality, and by showing these feelings through specific moments, we can convey their intensity and significance.

For example, instead of telling readers that a character is grieving, I might show the character standing alone in a quiet room, holding a photograph of a lost loved one, the silence heavy with unspoken sorrow. This scene reveals the character’s grief without directly stating it, allowing readers to feel the weight of the emotion through the details of the moment. By showing rather than telling, we can create a more authentic and resonant portrayal of the emotional impact of mortality.

Showing the impact of mortality on personal growth

Mortality is not just about endings; it’s also about the growth and transformation that occur in response to our awareness of life’s impermanence. By showing how mortality influences personal growth, we can reveal the ways in which it shapes our values, priorities, and relationships.

For example, I might describe a person who, after a close brush with death, begins to live more fully—taking risks, deepening connections with loved ones, and pursuing their passions with renewed vigor. This transformation shows the impact of mortality on personal growth, highlighting how the awareness of death can lead to a more meaningful and purposeful life. By focusing on these moments of change, we can reveal the positive and transformative power of mortality.

Conclusion: showing the interplay of life and death

Life and death are deeply interconnected, and the "show, don’t tell" approach offers a powerful way to explore this relationship. By using imagery, emotion, and personal growth as tools for showing, we can reveal the profound influence of mortality on our lives. This approach allows us to express the complexity and beauty of the human experience, helping readers to see and feel the ways in which life and death shape our existence. As I continue to explore these themes, I’m committed to using the art of showing to reveal the depth and richness of the interplay between life and death.

The reference artwork


68. A visual approach to knowledge


66. A deep dive into the art of showing