56. The power of language in expression

Black text in a dictionary


In both writing and life, the principle of "show, don’t tell" is a powerful tool for effective communication. This concept is not just about crafting compelling narratives; it’s about using language in a way that paints vivid pictures, evokes emotions, and creates connections. The Words of the Week (WoW) series has been an exploration of how words can do more than just convey information—they can show us new perspectives, reveal hidden truths, and bring ideas to life. This blog delves into the art of showing through words, and how the WoW series has become a platform for expressing thoughts and experiences in a way that resonates deeply with others.

The art of showing through vocabulary

Words have the ability to transport us, to make us see, feel, and experience things as if we were there. In the WoW series, I’ve focused on selecting words that do more than just describe—they show. Whether it’s a word like "luminescence," which brings to mind the soft glow of a firefly, or "cacophony," which conjures the chaotic sound of city life, these words are chosen for their ability to create vivid images and sensations in the mind of the reader.

This focus on showing through words is rooted in the belief that language should be an immersive experience. By carefully selecting words that engage the senses and evoke emotions, the WoW series aims to make language more than just a tool for communication—it becomes an art form, a way to connect with others on a deeper, more meaningful level.

Using words to paint a picture

One of the most powerful aspects of language is its ability to paint pictures in the mind. The right word can capture a moment, a feeling, or a scene with precision and clarity. In the WoW series, I’ve explored words that have this power—words that can make you see the flicker of candlelight, feel the warmth of a summer breeze, or hear the rustle of leaves in the wind.

For example, a word like "verdant" doesn’t just mean green; it brings to mind lush, vibrant landscapes, rich with life and growth. Similarly, "symphony" isn’t just about music; it evokes the harmonious blending of sounds, the rise and fall of melodies that create an emotional journey. By using words that show rather than tell, the WoW series encourages readers to engage their imaginations, to see the world in new and more vivid ways.

The emotional resonance of words

Words have the power to move us, to touch our hearts and stir our souls. In the WoW series, I’ve sought out words that carry emotional weight—words that can express the depth of human experience in a way that is both profound and relatable. These are the words that go beyond mere description; they show us the emotions behind the actions, the feelings behind the words.

A word like "melancholy," for instance, doesn’t just describe sadness; it shows us the quiet, reflective sadness that comes with memories of lost moments or the passing of time. "Elation," on the other hand, shows us the pure, unbridled joy that comes with success, love, or discovery. By focusing on words that resonate emotionally, the WoW series seeks to create a deeper connection with readers, allowing them to not just understand but to feel the experiences being described.

Creating connections through language

Language is a bridge between people, a way to share experiences, ideas, and emotions. The WoW series has been a journey of using words to build these connections, to show others not just what I think, but how I see and experience the world. By choosing words that show rather than tell, I’m able to create a more immersive, engaging experience for readers, inviting them to see the world through my eyes.

This approach to language is not just about individual words; it’s about the broader narrative they create. Each word in the WoW series is a piece of a larger story, a story that is enriched by the connections between words, the emotions they evoke, and the images they paint. By showing rather than telling, I’m able to create a tapestry of language that is both meaningful and memorable.

Conclusion: the power of showing through words

The Words of the Week series is a celebration of the power of language to show, to paint vivid pictures, to evoke emotions, and to create connections. By focusing on words that go beyond mere description, the WoW series has become a platform for exploring the art of showing through language. This journey has deepened my appreciation for the nuances of words and their ability to bring ideas and experiences to life. As I continue to explore new words and their meanings, I’m excited to keep showing through language, creating a more vibrant, engaging world for myself and my readers.

The reference artwork


57. Words of mortality: exploring life and death


55. Language through the Words of the Week