49. Physics and mental health

A man running on a gravel road


Physics has always been a guiding light in my life, offering a sense of order, structure, and understanding in a world that can often feel chaotic and overwhelming. However, my journey with mental illness has added another dimension to my relationship with this science. The challenges I’ve faced with mental health have not only shaped my perspective on physics but have also deepened my appreciation for its role in helping me navigate the complexities of the mind and the universe.

The order in chaos: finding stability in physics

One of the most comforting aspects of physics is its ability to impose order on the seemingly chaotic forces of nature. The laws of physics—such as Newton’s laws of motion, the principles of thermodynamics, and the equations of quantum mechanics—provide a framework for understanding the world in a predictable, logical way. This sense of order has been particularly important to me as I’ve dealt with the unpredictability of mental illness.

During times when my mind felt like a storm of conflicting thoughts and emotions, physics offered a refuge. The clarity and precision of scientific principles provided a contrast to the mental confusion I often experienced. By focusing on the structured, methodical nature of physics, I found a way to ground myself, to impose a sense of stability on the internal chaos. Physics became not just a subject of study, but a coping mechanism—a way to find balance and clarity in the midst of mental turmoil.

The intersection of physics and mental health

My experience with mental illness has also influenced the way I approach physics. While physics is often seen as a discipline of hard facts and objective truths, my journey has shown me that there is also a deeply personal and subjective side to science. The way we perceive and understand physical phenomena is influenced by our mental state, our emotions, and our personal experiences.

For example, the concept of entropy in physics—the measure of disorder in a system—resonated with me on a deeply personal level. Entropy is a fundamental principle of the universe, governing the inevitable increase of disorder over time. This concept mirrored my own struggles with mental health, where periods of disorder and confusion seemed to increase uncontrollably. Understanding entropy helped me see that disorder is a natural part of life and that, just as in the physical world, there are ways to manage and navigate this disorder in the mind.

Physics as a tool for healing

Physics has also played a role in my healing process. The discipline requires focus, concentration, and a deep engagement with abstract concepts—all of which provided a constructive outlet for my mental energy. Studying physics helped me redirect my thoughts from negative spirals to productive problem-solving, giving me a sense of purpose and achievement.

Moreover, the beauty and elegance of physics—the symmetry of equations, the simplicity of fundamental laws, the interconnectedness of all things—offered a sense of peace and wonder that was often lacking in my everyday life. This aesthetic appreciation of science became a source of comfort and inspiration, helping me to see the world, and my place in it, from a broader perspective.

Balancing mental health and the pursuit of knowledge

As I continue to study physics, I remain mindful of the impact that mental illness has on my journey. There are days when the challenges of mental health make it difficult to focus, to engage with complex ideas, or to find the motivation to continue. On these days, I remind myself that, just as in physics, progress is often made in small, incremental steps. Each day of study, each moment of clarity, is a victory in itself.

By balancing my mental health with my pursuit of knowledge, I’m learning to navigate the ups and downs of both my mind and my studies. This journey has taught me that physics and mental health are not separate aspects of my life, but are deeply intertwined, each influencing and informing the other.

Conclusion: physics as a path to understanding and healing

Physics has been more than just an academic pursuit for me; it has been a path to understanding and healing. The discipline has provided structure and stability in times of mental turmoil, offering a way to impose order on the chaos of the mind. Through physics, I’ve found not only a way to cope with mental illness but also a source of beauty, wonder, and inspiration. As I continue this journey, I’m committed to exploring the intersections of physics and mental health, using the principles of science to guide me toward greater understanding and well-being.

The reference artwork


50. Vocabulary through the language of the earth


48. The intersection of physics and learning