42. How physics has shaped who I am

A framework of metal


Physics has always been more than just a subject of study for me—it’s a fundamental part of my identity. My fascination with the laws that govern the universe has shaped the way I see the world and influenced the choices I’ve made throughout my life. As I reflect on who I am, I realize that my journey in physics is deeply intertwined with my personal story, shaped by the cultural influences of Congo, Uganda, and Canada.

The Congolese foundation: curiosity rooted in tradition

My journey begins in Kinigi, Congo, where the vibrant traditions of my community fostered a deep sense of curiosity. The natural world was an integral part of daily life, and I often found myself wondering about the forces that shaped it—the flow of rivers, the movement of animals, the patterns in the stars. These early questions laid the groundwork for my later fascination with physics, even if I didn’t yet have the language to describe what I was curious about.

In Kinigi, I learned the importance of observation and respect for nature—values that are essential in the study of physics. The traditions of my community, from the way we greeted each other to the celebrations that marked the seasons, all reflected a deep understanding of and harmony with the natural world. This foundation in cultural tradition and observation became the lens through which I would later approach the study of physics.

Uganda’s influence: the intersection of faith and science

My time in Uganda added another layer to my identity, one that blended faith with the pursuit of knowledge. In Kampala, I was introduced to the modern world of education, where science and religion coexisted in a dynamic interplay. The religious teachings I encountered were not at odds with my growing interest in physics; instead, they complemented it, offering a spiritual dimension to my quest for understanding.

The community’s respect for both faith and reason taught me that science and spirituality could be partners in the search for truth. This perspective was crucial as I delved deeper into physics, helping me reconcile the abstract concepts of the physical world with the philosophical questions that have always intrigued humanity. My identity as a scientist is therefore also an identity that values the spiritual, seeking to understand the universe not just through equations, but through a holistic view of existence.

Canada’s contribution: a platform for exploration and expression

Canada, where I now reside, has provided the environment and resources to fully explore my passion for physics. The diverse and inclusive culture here has allowed me to merge my Congolese and Ugandan roots with the opportunities available in a modern, technologically advanced society. Here, I’ve been able to pursue formal education in physics, gaining the tools and knowledge needed to deepen my understanding of the universe.

Canada has also given me the platform to express this understanding, whether through academic pursuits, professional work, or creative outlets like blogging. The multicultural environment has enriched my identity, allowing me to see physics not just as a scientific discipline but as a universal language that transcends borders and cultures. This perspective has empowered me to share my love for physics with others, helping to demystify the subject and make it accessible to a broader audience.

Physics as a reflection of identity

The study of physics has become a mirror through which I see my own identity. The principles of symmetry, balance, and interconnectedness that are central to physics are also central to how I understand myself and my place in the world. Just as physics seeks to uncover the underlying order of the universe, I find myself constantly seeking to understand the deeper patterns in my own life, shaped by the cultures and experiences that have influenced me.

My identity as a physicist is not separate from my identity as a Congolese, Ugandan, and Canadian. Instead, it is a synthesis of these influences, each contributing to my unique perspective on the world. Physics has given me the tools to explore this identity, to ask questions, and to seek answers in both the physical and metaphysical realms.

Conclusion: physics and the shaping of self

As I reflect on who I am, I see that my journey in physics is deeply connected to my cultural heritage and personal experiences. The principles of physics have shaped my understanding of the world, while my identity has influenced the way I approach the study of science. Together, they form a cohesive narrative that defines who I am—a narrative that is still being written as I continue to explore the mysteries of the universe. Physics is not just a part of my life; it is a part of who I am, and it will continue to guide me as I seek to understand the world and my place within it.

The reference artwork


43. A year of physics and purpose


41. Blogging about physics